Section 8: Reports > Accounting Reports

Revenue Summary by Fault Code

This report is an overview of the status of all repairs that have not been completed, returned, and paid (see Repair Statuses, and Repair Orders/Invoices). It includes estimate information for items awaiting estimate approval, and is formatted for sending to depot customers to update their own records.

The report may be sorted by customer account number, repair status, repair order number, reference 1, reference 2, date estimate approved, or certain combinations of these. And it may be filtered by customer, repair vendor, repair status, make, business location, and customer language.

Report Option Fields




Enter an assigned customer account number for which to generate the report, 0 for miscellaneous customer accounts, or leave blank for all customers. Optionally, select the customer name for which to generate the report.


Enter an assigned repair vendor account number for which to generate the report, 0 for miscellaneous vendor accounts, or leave blank for all vendors. Optionally, select the repair vendor name for which to generate the report.


Enter or select the repair status for which to generate the report or leave blank for all repair statuses.


Enter or select the make for which to generate the report or leave blank for all makes.

Bus. Location

Enter or select the business location for which to generate the report or leave blank for all business locations. This report option is not available in the Repair Lite and Repair Micro editions.


Select the desired language group to include on the report, either all languages (the system default), English customers, English/French customers, or English/Spanish customers.

Sort by

Select the desired sort orders, either by customer account number, repair status, and then repair order number; by customer account number, repair status, and then reference 1 (the system default); by customer account number, repair status, and then reference 2; by customer account number and repair order number; by customer account number and reference 1; by customer account number and reference 2; by repair status, customer account number, and then repair order number; by repair status, customer account number, and then reference 1; by repair status, customer account number, and then reference 2; by repair status and repair order number; or by repair order number alone.

For Internal Use Only

Check this box (the system default) if the report is to be used for internal use only and therefore should use internal repair status captions, or uncheck this box if the report is to be sent to customers and therefore should use external repair status captions.


All repair orders and repair invoices are included on the report except for those that both have no balance owing and have a repair status equivalent to either “(Repaired) Returned to Customer”, “(Refused by Customer) Returned to Customer”, “(Refused by Technician) Returned to Customer”, or “Abandoned” (see Repair Invoice        Statuses).

For licensed users of version 2.2 and higher, this report is also available in combined English/French and English/Spanish in addition to English (see Language of Communication). Additionally, this report may automatically be sent periodically by means of the At Your Service - Internet Utility (see Repair Status Listing Reports).

(See also Reporting on Repair Statuses.)


Revenue Summary by Make