Section 10: Importing Data > Data Imports for Main Modules

Importing Customers

This data import will import records for the Customers main module (see Customers).

Imported Fields

AYS Field

Field Name Matching

Notes and Data Validation

Customer No.

CustomerNumber, CustomerNo, or CustNo

Unique customer account number. A unique number from 0 to 9999999. The number value 0 means to auto-assign the next available sequential customer number. If an existing record with matching data in this field is found then that record will be updated.

Customer Name

CustomerName, CustName, or Name

Customer name. A text string of up to 70 characters for licensed users of version 2.5 and higher, or up to 50 characters for all other versions. It is a required field and may not be empty.

Quick Code

QuickCode or Code

Unique customer quick-entry code. A unique alphanumeric text string of up 7 characters. The first character must always be a letter, not a digit.


Inactive or Active

Whether or not the customer is inactive. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

Contact Name

ContactName or Cont

Shipping contact name of customer. A text string of up to 32 characters.

Address Line 1

AddressLine1, Address1, Addr1, Address, or Addr

Shipping address line 1 of customer. A text string of up to 32 characters.

Address Line 2

AddressLine2, Address2, or Addr2

Shipping address line 2 of customer. A text string of up to 32 characters.



Shipping city of customer. A text string of up to 32 characters.


Province, State, Prov, Stat, or County

Shipping province/state of customer. A text string of up to 32 characters.

Postal/Zip Code

Postal Code, ZipCode, Post, or Zip

Shipping postal/zip code of customer. A text string of up to 10 characters.


Country or Ctry

Shipping country of customer. A text string of up to 32 characters.

Business Phone

BusinessPhone, Bus, Work, or Phone

Shipping business phone number of customer. A text string of up to 23 characters.

Home Phone

HomePhone or Home

Shipping home phone number of customer. A text string of up to 23 characters.

Mobile Phone

MobilePhone, Mobile, or Cel

Shipping mobile phone number of customer. A text string of up to 23 characters.



Shipping fax number of customer. A text string of up to 23 characters.



Shipping e-mail address of customer. A text string of up to 200 characters for licensed users of version 2.7 and higher, 50 characters for licensed users of version 2.1 and higher, or up to 32 characters for all other versions.

Web Site

WebSite, Web, or Site

Web site address of customer. A text string of up to 50 characters.

Customer to Bill

BillingCustomerNumber, BillingCustomerNo, BillingNo, BillingAccount, BillingAcct, BillNo, BillAccount, or BillAcct

Third-party customer account to bill for this customer. A customer number from 0 to 9999999 or an alphanumeric customer quick code of up to 7 characters. The customer record must already exist. A customer number of 0 means bill to self.

Customer Since

CustomerSince, Since, or Start

Date since which this customer has been a customer. A date value.

Discount Rate

DiscountRate or Disc

Default discount rate in percentage for this customer. A percentage amount from 0.000 to 100.000.

Credit Limit

CreditLimit, Credit, or Limit

Credit limit. A monetary amount from 0.00 to 999999.99, or from 0 to 99999999, depending on the number of currency decimal places specified in the Windows regional settings (see Entering Numbers).

This field will only be imported for licensed users of version 2.7 or higher.

Payment Terms

PaymentTerms or Terms

Default payment terms for this customer. A number value or text string with a specific set of acceptable values. The number value 0 means C.O.D. Other number values mean the number of days before payment is due. All number values will be rounded up to the next valid payment term. Acceptable text string values are COD, and 5 Days, 10 Days, 15 Days, 20 Days, 25 Days, 30 Days, 35 Days, 40 Days, 45 Days, 50 Days, 55 Days, 60 Days, 65 Days, 70 Days, 75 Days, 80 Days, 85 Days, 90 Days, 95 Days, 100 Days, 105 Days, 110 Days, 115 Days, or 120 Days.

Tax 1 Rate

Tax1Rate, TaxRate1, or Tax1

Default tax 1 rate in percentage for this customer. A percentage amount from 0.000 to 100.000. If no tax 1 rate is specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Tax 1 on Parts

Tax1OnParts, Tax1Parts, or Parts1

Whether or not tax 1 applies to parts charges for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Tax 1 on Labour

Tax1OnLabour, Tax1OnLabor, Tax1Labour, Tax1Labor, Labour1, or Labor1

Whether or not tax 1 applies to labour charges for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Tax 1 on Shipping

Tax1OnShipping, Tax1Shipping, or Shipping1

Whether or not tax 1 applies to shipping charges for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Tax 1 on Handling

Tax1OnHandling, Tax1Handling, or Handling1

Whether or not tax 1 applies to handling charges for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Tax 1 on Travel

Tax1OnTravel, Tax1Travel, or Travel1

Whether or not tax 1 applies to travel charges for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Round Up Tax 1

RoundUpTax1 or RoundUp1

Whether or not to always round up tax 1 to the nearest penny for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Tax 2 Rate

Tax2Rate, TaxRate2, or Tax2

Default tax 2 rate in percentage for this customer. A percentage amount from 0.000 to 100.000. If no tax 2 rate is specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Compound Tax 2

CompoundTax2 or Compound2

Whether or not to compound (multiply) tax 2 rate by tax 1 rate for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Tax 2 on Parts

Tax2OnParts, Tax2Parts, or Parts2

Whether or not tax 2 applies to parts charges for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Tax 2 on Labour

Tax2OnLabour, Tax2OnLabor, Tax2Labour, Tax2Labor, Labour2, or Labor2

Whether or not tax 2 applies to labour charges for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Tax 2 on Shipping

Tax2OnShipping, Tax2Shipping, or Shipping2

Whether or not tax 2 applies to shipping charges for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Tax 2 on Handling

Tax2OnHandling, Tax2Handling, or Handling2

Whether or not tax 2 applies to handling charges for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Tax 2 on Travel

Tax2OnTravel, Tax2Travel, or Travel2

Whether or not tax 2 applies to travel charges for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Round Up Tax 2

RoundUpTax2 or RoundUp2

Whether or not to always round up tax 2 to the nearest penny for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Tax 3 Rate

Tax3Rate, TaxRate3, or Tax3

Default tax 3 rate in percentage for this customer. A percentage amount from 0.000 to 100.000. If no tax 3 rate is specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Compound Tax 3

CompoundTax3 or Compound3

Whether or not to compound (multiply) tax 3 rate by tax 1 rate for this customer.

Tax 3 on Parts

Tax3OnParts, Tax3Parts, or Parts3

Whether or not tax 3 applies to parts charges for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Tax 3 on Labour

Tax3OnLabour, Tax3OnLabor, Tax3Labour, Tax3Labor, Labour3, or Labor3

Whether or not tax 3 applies to labour charges for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Tax 3 on Shipping

Tax3OnShipping, Tax3Shipping, or Shipping3

Whether or not tax 3 applies to shipping charges for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Tax 3 on Handling

Tax3OnHandling, Tax3Handling, or Handling3

Whether or not tax 3 applies to handling charges for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Tax 3 on Travel

Tax3OnTravel, Tax3Travel, or Travel3

Whether or not tax 3 applies to travel charges for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Round Up Tax 3

RoundUpTax3 or RoundUp3

Whether or not to always round up tax 3 to the nearest penny for this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False. If this tax rule is not specified then it will default to the tax rules for the corresponding province or state (see Taxes).

Tax Exemption No.

TaxExemptionNumber, TaxExemptionNo, or Exempt

Default tax exemption number for this customer (see Tax Exemptions). A text string of up to 20 characters.

This field will only be imported for licensed users of version 2.4 and higher.

Allow Printing Statements

PrintStatements or Statement

Whether or not customer statements are to be printed for this customer (see Statements). A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

Allow Third-Party Billing to this Customer

OthersCanBill, Others, or Allow

Whether or not to allow other customers to bill this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

Print the following information in the billing section of another customer’s invoice when it is billed to this customer

BillingMessage, BillingMsg, BillMessage, BillMsg, Message, or Msg

Message to be printed in the billing portion of the Customer Invoice form (see Customer Repair Invoice) when the repair order is billed to this customer as a third-party. A text string with a specific set of acceptable values, including Message for print a message that the invoice has been billed to the third-party, Charges for print all of the billing amounts before discount, or Template for print an empty billing template so that numbers can be manually written in.

Reference 1

Reference1, Ref1, Reference, or Ref

Default reference 1 for this customer. A text string of up to 30 characters.

This field will only be imported for licensed users of version 2.6 and higher.

Reference 2

Reference2 or Ref2

Default reference 2 for this customer. A text string of up to 30 characters.

This field will only be imported for licensed users of version 2.6 and higher.


Advertising or Adv

Default advertising method for this customer. A text string of up to 20 characters.

This field will only be imported for licensed users of version 2.6 and higher.

Ship Via

ShipVia, Shipping, Ship, or Via

Default shipping method for this vendor. A text string of up to 40 characters for licensed users of version 2.7 and higher, or up to 20 characters for all other versions.

Warranty Plan

WarrantyPlan, War, or Plan

Default warranty plan for this customer. A text string of up to 20 characters.


Language or Lang

Default language of correspondence for this customer. A text string with a specific set of acceptable values, including E or English for English, F or French for English/French, or S or Spanish for English/Spanish. Any invalid text string will default to English.

This field will only be imported for licensed users of version 2.6 and higher.

Notes to Print

NotesToPrint, PublicNotes, or Public

Printable notes for the customer. An unlimited text string.

Copy these notes to all new Repair Orders, Sales Invoices, and Credit Notes for this Customer

CopyNotesToPrint, CopyPublicNotes, or CopyPublic

Whether or not notes to print from this customer are to be copied to other notes to print fields. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

Private Notes

PrivateNotes, Private, or Notes

Private notes for the customer (not to be printed). An unlimited text string.

Copy these notes to all new Repair Orders, Sales Invoices, and Credit Notes for this Customer

CopyPrivateNotes, CopyPrivate, or CopyNotes

Whether or not private notes from this customer are to be copied to other private notes fields. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

Do not upload repair status search information for this customer to the Internet

UploadRepairStatus, or Upload

Whether the At Your Service – Internet Utility should not upload repair status search information for this customer to the Internet. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

This field will not be imported in the Repair Micro edition.

Do not e-mail Estimate Notices to this customer

SendEstimateEmail, EstimateEmail, Estimate, or Est

Whether the At Your Service – Internet Utility should not e-mail estimate notices to this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

This field will not be imported in the Repair Micro edition.

Do not e-mail Pick Up Notices to this customer

SendPickUpEmail, PickUpEmail, or PickUp

Whether the At Your Service – Internet Utility should not e-mail pick up notices to this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

This field will not be imported in the Repair Micro edition.

Do not e-mail Receivables notices to this customer

SendReceivablesEmail, ReceivablesEmail, Receivable, or Overdue

Whether the At Your Service – Internet Utility should not e-mail receivables notices to this customer. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

This field will not be imported in the Repair Micro edition.

Send Status Report Sunday

SendStatusReportSunday, Sunday, or Sun

Whether the At Your Service – Internet Utility should send repair status listing reports to this customer via e-mail or fax on Sundays. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

For licensed users of version 2.7 and earlier, if any send status report day fields are true then all will be true. This field will not be imported in the Repair Micro edition.

Send Status Report Monday

SendStatusReportMonday, Monday, or Mon

Whether the At Your Service – Internet Utility should send repair status listing reports to this customer via e-mail or fax on Mondays. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

For licensed users of version 2.7 and earlier, if any send status report day fields are true then all will be true. This field will not be imported in the Repair Micro edition.

Send Status Report Tuesday

SendStatusReportTuesday, Tuesday, or Tue

Whether the At Your Service – Internet Utility should send repair status listing reports to this customer via e-mail or fax on Tuesdays. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

For licensed users of version 2.7 and earlier, if any send status report day fields are true then all will be true. This field will not be imported in the Repair Micro edition.

Send Status Report Wednesday

, Wednesday, or Wed

Whether the At Your Service – Internet Utility should send repair status listing reports to this customer via e-mail or fax on Wednesdays. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

For licensed users of version 2.7 and earlier, if any send status report day fields are true then all will be true. This field will not be imported in the Repair Micro edition.

Send Status Report Thursday

SendStatusReportThursday, Thursday, or Thu

Whether the At Your Service – Internet Utility should send repair status listing reports to this customer via e-mail or fax on Thursdays. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

For licensed users of version 2.7 and earlier, if any send status report day fields are true then all will be true. This field will not be imported in the Repair Micro edition.

Send Status Report Friday

SendStatusReportFriday, Friday, or Fri

Whether the At Your Service – Internet Utility should send repair status listing reports to this customer via e-mail or fax on Fridays. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

For licensed users of version 2.7 and earlier, if any send status report day fields are true then all will be true. This field will not be imported in the Repair Micro edition.

Send Status Report Saturday

SendStatusReportSaturday, Saturday, or Sat

Whether the At Your Service – Internet Utility should send repair status listing reports to this customer via e-mail or fax on Saturdays. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

For licensed users of version 2.7 and earlier, if any send status report day fields are true then all will be true. This field will not be imported in the Repair Micro edition.

Do not send e-mails to customers that are billed to this customer

StopEmailsWhenBilledTo or StopEmail

Whether the At Your Service – Internet Utility should not send e-mails to customers when their invoices are billed to this customer as a third-party. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

This field will not be imported in the Repair Micro edition.


Since references to a third-party billing account may refer to a customer account that is yet to be imported later from the same import file, the import is processed in two passes. The first pass imports the customer data, and then the second pass validates the third-party billing references. The miscellaneous customer account (i.e. customer account 0000000) cannot be imported.

Most fields (i.e. except the customer billing account) are processed and validated as if the data was manually entered in each field from the customers entry module (see Editing Customers). Fields are not validated for required field data as configured under customer module options (see module option “Required Customer Fields” under Customer Module Options). If any required fields are missing then the user will be forced to enter them the next time the imported record is opened for manual editing.

(See also Importing Customer Contacts, Importing Customer Accounts from QuickBooks, Exporting Customers, Exporting Customer Contacts, Exporting Customers with Contacts, and Exporting Customer Accounts to QuickBooks.)


Importing Inventory